Tuesday, July 30, 2013


This weekend I went to the SF Jpop festival..... The theme was kawaii. They got Kyary Pamyu Pamyu to come which I was surprised about! She definitely has an interesting sense of fashion. Also there was Kylee, whom I realized I had fb mutual friends with earlier this year (and that I read about her on arama before)
Kyary, one of the hottest young stars in Japan right now!
Kylee, local Jpop singer

Speaking of kawaii culture, SNH48 is a crossover of the 48 family into China.  I had my doubts about the success this group could achieve.  They recently put out another MV, ponytail to shushu (马尾与发圈)  Now the reason I was doubtful was because AKB's cuteness seems such a quintessential Japanese thing.... I just didn't know if the Chinese girls could make it work, and if it did would any of the Chinese otakus buy into it?  Or just prefer the originals?  Well I think SNH did really well in this, I was surprised how open China has become, that it's ok for girls to dance in bikinis in MVs (and a girl girl kiss)  And for me at least they do have an appeal that is different from AKB even though it's the exact same song and concept.  I think it's similar to how EXO-M is a kpop group and kpop style but because of it's Chinese members they feel different, and I stan them more as a result.  It's very interesting to note too how well these Japanese and Korean companies can package native Chinese into some sort of hybrid that becomes more attractive.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Nicholas Tse

Nicholas Tse has been around for a long while.... I've known about him back when I was a kid and not that into stars..... I never thought he was attractive, and I still for the most part don't.... but it was really random to see him pop up as a celeb judge for ANTM cycle 17 when they went to Macau. At first I thought he didn't pick the black girls cuz they were.... you know.... But afterwards I thought about it and did like the performance of the girl he picked. She was just more elegant and during her fight scene and those ridiculous lines (and also that one move reminds me of Yankumi lol!)


Anyways, what was interesting was his judging. His overall image in ANTM was very nice and relatable Asian star, and a very sincere judge. Which is VERY interesting since recently I was watching him judge Super Boy (快乐男声) in China.... and that was not his image at all! He had the full on douchey sunglasses inside, legs on the table, biting a straw etc etc. and he definitely was pushing his 'cool' image and not having any facial expressions orz. It's actually very interesting how different he was in these two shows. I guess stars are chameleons and even in their non-acting time.... they're still acting. FYI I dislike it when guys are pretending to be cool and all that

Tse, far left

Welcome 1.0

Welcome to my site!  Being a long time fan of Jpop and Johnny's and recently focusing more on Kpop and the rising Chinese entertainment scene, I decided to make a blog about things I've watched and what I find interesting.  Recently I'm enamoured with EXO, especially M so I will be favoring random Chinese ent stuff more.  I like pretty boys and don't mind BL so that will make an appearance on here as well.  Hope I will get some visitors to this site!